Tuesday, October 11, 2011

NOT a Double Tree.

Hello, world! Chris, here. Our week sit-down in Dayton, OH turned out to be quite eventful. So eventful that we needed some time to let the dust settle before we told the world of our adventures. 

The Dayton Grand Hotel is many things, but as we were constantly reminded by the service and the sign outside, it is NOT a Double Tree. See, about 6 months ago, it was a Double Tree, and apparently a great place to spend your time in Dayton. When they decided to go solo, by just using some white-out on the "Double Tree" portion of their sign, they also whited-out the friendly accommodations that go along with that title.
As you can see, a little white-out goes a long way. Now it's just "Hotel"

None of the employees at the (newly-dubbed) Dayton Grand Hotel had any clue what was going on, except that the hotel was NOT a Double Tree. They didn't know if we should have a fridge in our room (even though all the other rooms on our floor had one) because they're not a Double Tree. Should we charge you $10/night for one? Should we give you one for free? Should we ignore your daily requests for a fridge just as our maids ignore the "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door at 9 am? Everyone seemed to have a different answer.

Mass confusion was not all the Dayton-Grand-Not-Double-Tree-Hotel had to offer the cast of Young Frankenstein. We were also graced with hallways the reeked of smoke, elevators that got stuck between floors while a crazed woman with a sundae screamed like she was being stabbed until we were rescued, and most importantly, a send-out laundry service. With the stress of tech and opening, Lexie and I had not had a moment to spare to do our laundry, and frankly, Aubrey, we were out of clean undies. So upon our arrival, we asked the front desk if there was a machine in the hotel. After reminding us that they were not a Double Tree, they informed us that there was no laundry in the building and the closest laundromat was over a mile away- we would have to take a cab. But not to fear! They offered a send-out laundry service! 

After calling Shaw Cleaners, and making sure that they did in fact do machine wash and not just dry-cleaning, we learned that they pick up at 9 am and return same-day at 5 pm. Great! How convenient! We'd only have to free-ball it for the afternoon and we'd have clean panties by the show! So we wake up at the crack, go down to the front desk, and the friendly girl at the front desk reminds us that the hotel is not a Double Tree and tells us to just write our names and room number on a piece of loose-leaf and any special instructions. We both write in giant letters. MACHINE WAS ONLY, and leave our phone numbers as well in case there is any confusion. Done and done. Can't wait for clean laundry.

On our way home from the show that night, we get a text message from our castmate, Greg, who also sent his laundry out that morning. He has beaten us back to the hotel and informs us that all together, our laundry bill is over $600. Surely this is a practical joke. We arrive in the lobby to find Greg in a state on the couch. It was not a joke. The bill for my laundry was $230. The itemized receipt reveals that they have charged $2.50 PER underwear and pair of socks. $4 PER T-shirt. I could have bought a new wardrobe for this price. The manager of the hotel is there and says "Yeah...we thought this might be a problem." You THOUGHT it MIGHT be a problem?? We left you our phone numbers and no one thought to give us a call and see if we were ok with a $200+ laundry bill? He replies with a laugh, "I know, that's more than it's costing you to stay here for the week!" I'm glad we could brighten this man's day.
Good thing I'm rollin' in it
The following morning, we once again awake at the crack for a private meeting with Chris Shaw, owner of Shaw Cleaners. He informs us that the hotel did not have the order sheets explaining the PER ITEM cost of his laundry service until after we had sent our laundry in. He apologizes that the hotel did not inform us of his exorbitant prices, but hopefully we learned our lesson never to send our laundry out through a hotel. Boy, did we learn it. After offering him comps to the show, and some tearful eyes, he graciously cut our costs in HALF. So don't worry, guys. I only paid $115 for two loads of laundry. Good thing that per Diem kicked in this week. 

I don't mean to get all Nancy-negative on our readers. Our 8-show-week in Dayton was a huge success! We played to big houses and rave reviews! My Mom came into town to see the show with the rest of my family from Cincinnati, and a few teachers and friends from CCM made it as well!! Plus, we found a GRAETERS. So my week (and my waist) was rounded out by the best ice cream ever. 

But if your travels bring you to Dayton, OH, and I sure hope it's not on a Sunday cause even Subway is closed, you might want to check out the Crowne Plaza down the street. It's also not a Double Tree, but I hear they have fridges in every room. 

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