Wednesday, October 26, 2011

11 Shows in 9 Days...Living the Dream.

Hey world! Sorry we’ve been so bad about blogging this last week, but as you can see from the title- we’ve been a little busy. Not to worry, we survived out 11-day stint and have lived to tell the tale. So listen to our tale of woah:

We started off nice and easy with a 2-day sit-down in Newport News, VA. We suspect that our Holiday Inn may have been shut down in 1993 and didn’t tell anyone (it had no sign). I had my first Hibachi experience our first night in town, in which the chef kept referring to me as “Harry Potter” and I failed to catch the shrimp in my mouth. Lexie’s purse, as we discovered later that night, had a little more luck than I did.

The renegade shrimp  (on top of a pursed Splenda)

Then, our walk to the movie theater led us to a straight-up highway so we decided it would be wise to call a cab. To pick us up. On the side of a highway. Yep. Now I wanted to see the world die of an imaginary bird flu in “Contagion,” but the group opted for “the funny cancer movie.” Just so we’re clear: there is nothing funny about cancer. Except a row of gay boys sobbing on each other while Lexie laughs at them.

Other highlights of Newport News included the fancy raincoat I purchased at Banana, the lady we paid at the Aveda salon to gently rub our backs even though we asked her to go harder repeatedly, Jerome giving Pat (Frau Blucher) a lap dance to the disco version of “He Vas My Boyfriend,” and the most stressful dresser experience I’ve ever had. My dresser, bless her heart, looked about 70 years old, and was overwhelmed. She would show up at my dressing room door PANTING even though I had a solid 10 to change and was already done. I told her to take a load off on the couch and BREATHE. The last thing I needed was my dresser to have a heart attack. AJ’s dresser (who would ask him about hangers while he’s doing a quick change and screaming “PANTS! PANTS!”) and mine made quite the dynamic duo of stress. Needless to say I spent most of my down time in the green room listening to AJ’s dulcet tones on the piano.

Then began our 6 one-nighters in a row- meaning we would get on the bus at say, 6 am, drive all day, do a show that night, and do it all again the next day. How could we possibly handle this, you might ask? Well to be honest, it was cake after Windwood. Last year, my  YF castmate, Graham, and I did the tour of “The Music Man” with WindWood Theatricals in which we did 4 months of one-nighters. Like I said: cake. This week also brought us back to two of the same theaters in Morgonton, NC and Shreveport, LA. Check out where we signed the walls last time!

Mine says "The Coveted role of Ewart Dunlop"
We've come so far...

Our final one-nighter at The Strand in Shreveport was the “doozy that made us woozy.” We arrived at the theater to discover that half of our set has been cut because it did not fit. Highlights of this adventurous performance included: Elizabeth (Inga) and I moving a giant set piece inconspicuously during “He Vas My Boyfriend,” AJ and I moving the lab table mid-scene all the while doing a “mad-scientist-laugh” for about 30 seconds (which feels like 5 minutes), and last but not least- me singing an entire VERSE of Mariah Carey’s “Hero” while AJ attempts to shut the broken dungeon door in my face. When he finally realized it was futile, and we were both on the verge of tears, he shouted “GO AWAY” and I promptly exited the stage. It took the audience another minute to recover. In retrospect, I should have re-entered and continued the song. It would have killed. You always think of those brilliant things when it's too late, ya know? Although this was our smallest stage to date it was by far our BEST audience. I’m so glad we brought such joy to Shreveport.

Our 11 show stretch wrapped up in Springfield, MO where Lexie and I got in the car with a stranger who drove us around for an hour looking for an open Walgreens. Now before you get mad at our recklessness and tell us we could have ended up like those people on the crime shows that my Mom and Lexie are obsessed with, let me point out that he was a cute local gay in a turtle-neck who loved Disney Princesses and Colbie Collait. A special shout-out to Matthew Evans: We’ll always have Walgreens…
And some of us will always have “Tangled.”

Well, if you’ve made it to all the way to the end of this post you’re either extremely bored or my Aunt Patty. Congratulations. We are going to try to keep on top of this “blogging” thing so our posts aren’t so epic. We’re just finding our groove, ya know? 

Friday, October 14, 2011

"I'm gonna make you girls a Hump Day treat!"

Well Hershey, PA was a deliciously good time. We made a friend at the Grill on Chocolate (where we ate every meal)- Lawrence. We knew we liked Lawrence from the start because upon Lexie telling him that we were dancers and "a dancer dances," he promptly told us that all we needed was "the music and the mirror." But we didn't just like Lawrence because he was gay as hell- he also gave us free dessert every night. The pumpkin cheesecake and creme brulee changed our lahhhfs.

The shows in Hershey were a little, um, cramped. The sets were so jam packed backstage that the crew could often be heard BELTING backstage during the quietest moments of the show...and even some of the louder moments. Another highlight was when the ensemble ladies were running to SL (that's theater slang for stage left- you're welcome.) for their quick change into bows, and there was one dresser standing there empty handed and looking confused. Lexie (in her GIANT bride-of-frankenstein wig) takes charge. "Alright ladies. Zip up. You're going on in these!"She starts pulling pins out of her own wig to help secure their wigs, but it's not working. "Just do a SINGLE pirouette, ladies. These wigs aren't gonna make it through a double." It was really rich. The audiences, however, had no idea- and were very appreciative! 

But back to the food. We all know Hershey is all about the chocolate, and I was living for it. The local italian joint, Finicci's stayed open after the show for us, and I had a delicious chocolate-covered-cherry cocktail. It hit every spot. The food was delish too. Lexie ordered her own Italian in the hotel room, and the delivery man told her she looked "as cute as she sounded on the phone." Maybe Lexie shouldn't order delivery without me there anymore...

On our second day in Hershey I went to the Chocolate Factory with the YF crew. We rode the free ride with the belting cows (I'm not kidding) as we learned how they make "Hershey's milk chocolate." Then we decided to design our OWN candy bars. This was an exciting process where we got to pick our fillings, design our wrapper, and where these sexy smocks. I decided mine should be called "Igor's Hump Day Treats"- it was Hump Day after all, and I'm not like other moms, I'm a "cool" mom. 

Dr. F and I- in the Chocolate Lab!
Igor's Hump Day Treats! 
So, Hershey was super fun! We also caught many more episodes of our new favorite show, "Hoaders." Including the episode with the man with 1000+ rats that he kept as pets and lived in the walls of his house. A&E. Check it out. You won't regret it. Now we're beginning our 11-show stretch in Newport News, VA. Lord give us the strength. More on that to come!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bronchitis and Belting...OH MY!

WELL this week was definitely a week of firsts. If you haven't read Chris' post about how much we spent on laundry this week, I highly recommend it.

However, the real excitement for me this week came when I came down with bronchitis. The positives? Well with all this medication interfering with my stomach let's just say I have never looked skinnier. The gays in the dressing room were borderline begging me to breathe on them so they can drop those final 5 lbs. The negatives? Well, everything else. HOWEVER, in looking for the silver lining it is time to show some proper gratitude and appreciation for three different people who rescued me this week!

The first person would have to be Caitlin Maloney. It wasn't until about 5 pm on Thursday when I realized that my ladies (the affectionate term a lovely Diva taught me at school that I have adapted as the word for my voice) were not going to be coming together. While coughing up a lung and running a fever, I had to make the call to our stage manager that I did not think I could go on for the night. Here is where Caitlin saved the day. Although she had been in understudy rehearsals all week, they were meticulous and she hadn't even had the opportunity to fully run the show. Thursday night she went on and did what I understand to be a remarkable job; Flying by the seat of her pants, hitting all her marks, and singing her heart out as the sassy redhead Elizabeth Benning.  I have to say, it is incredible in our business what happens and that is what keeps live theatre so exciting. You go, you understudy rockstar, you. 

The second person I would have to thank this week is my incredible voice teacher Amy Murphy with the Amy Murphy Studio. The Amy Murphy method of singing and the incredible help I received from my asthma doctor (more on her later) truly allowed me to go back onstage and do four shows for the weekend with bronchitis. Amy checked in on me every morning and afternoon and listened to my voice and helped me work around the sickness. Thank god for Apple's FACETIME and the Amy Murphy Studio!

And the third person I would have to thank this week is the incredible Dr. Clara Chung of Birmingham. When I came down with bronchitis, she came up with a sick plan for me to aggressively fight the sickness and get back on my feet in no time. By Saturday afternoon's show I was back onstage and singing with bronchitis. This could have never been possible without the consultation and help of Dr. Chung. She's the best in Birmingham and in my humble opinion, the world. If you are sick you better RUN, don't walk to Dr. Clara Chung. Here is a lovely picture of be nebulizing on the bus. I know, I have never looked better.

Ironically, while the evil green mucous monster was trying to grow inside of my throat and body, a lovely article/interview came out in the Dayton Daily News. It was an interview with me about tour life and...wait for it....wait for it.... specifically how to stay healthy on the road with a rigorous travel and performance schedule. HOW RICH. However, it is a very nice article and I am sure my mother is thrilled to have something else to laminate and throw in a box in the attic marked "eventual scrapbook." The article is here for your viewing pleasure. (Kathy-Griffin-style, a shameless self plug.) html 
*Be sure not to miss the part about my "best friend" (in quotes for some reason), Chris SIMPSON. *

In almost all seriousness (because I never seem to be TOO serious), this week I have been reminded of the importance of patience and understanding with oneself. First of all, as singers and performers, we hate when our voice or our bodies are not at 100 percent. Feeling under the weather and then having to put yourself out there for the world sometimes sucks. However, the truth of the matter is that sometimes we get sick. Sometimes we are not at our 100%. We have to adapt and learn how to give a stellar performance at our 80% health. However, that is when I came to a realization this week. It hit me like what I imagine the stench of the houses from the HOARDERS episodes I watched all day Thursday and Friday while inhaling on my nebulizer(Seriously, there were so many good HOARDERS episodes this week. Including the woman who had over 200 parakeets that flew free in her house and the crazy lady who kept dead cats in her freezer.) Back to my realization.. When you are sick is when you trust your technique, training, and artistry. You take a deep breath and realize there is more to your character and the part you are playing than simply your voice. You fight to keep a positive attitude. You also, hopefully, are as lucky as me and have incredibly supportive people on your side (friends, doctors, and mentors) to help you get back on your feet in no time. 

NOT a Double Tree.

Hello, world! Chris, here. Our week sit-down in Dayton, OH turned out to be quite eventful. So eventful that we needed some time to let the dust settle before we told the world of our adventures. 

The Dayton Grand Hotel is many things, but as we were constantly reminded by the service and the sign outside, it is NOT a Double Tree. See, about 6 months ago, it was a Double Tree, and apparently a great place to spend your time in Dayton. When they decided to go solo, by just using some white-out on the "Double Tree" portion of their sign, they also whited-out the friendly accommodations that go along with that title.
As you can see, a little white-out goes a long way. Now it's just "Hotel"

None of the employees at the (newly-dubbed) Dayton Grand Hotel had any clue what was going on, except that the hotel was NOT a Double Tree. They didn't know if we should have a fridge in our room (even though all the other rooms on our floor had one) because they're not a Double Tree. Should we charge you $10/night for one? Should we give you one for free? Should we ignore your daily requests for a fridge just as our maids ignore the "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door at 9 am? Everyone seemed to have a different answer.

Mass confusion was not all the Dayton-Grand-Not-Double-Tree-Hotel had to offer the cast of Young Frankenstein. We were also graced with hallways the reeked of smoke, elevators that got stuck between floors while a crazed woman with a sundae screamed like she was being stabbed until we were rescued, and most importantly, a send-out laundry service. With the stress of tech and opening, Lexie and I had not had a moment to spare to do our laundry, and frankly, Aubrey, we were out of clean undies. So upon our arrival, we asked the front desk if there was a machine in the hotel. After reminding us that they were not a Double Tree, they informed us that there was no laundry in the building and the closest laundromat was over a mile away- we would have to take a cab. But not to fear! They offered a send-out laundry service! 

After calling Shaw Cleaners, and making sure that they did in fact do machine wash and not just dry-cleaning, we learned that they pick up at 9 am and return same-day at 5 pm. Great! How convenient! We'd only have to free-ball it for the afternoon and we'd have clean panties by the show! So we wake up at the crack, go down to the front desk, and the friendly girl at the front desk reminds us that the hotel is not a Double Tree and tells us to just write our names and room number on a piece of loose-leaf and any special instructions. We both write in giant letters. MACHINE WAS ONLY, and leave our phone numbers as well in case there is any confusion. Done and done. Can't wait for clean laundry.

On our way home from the show that night, we get a text message from our castmate, Greg, who also sent his laundry out that morning. He has beaten us back to the hotel and informs us that all together, our laundry bill is over $600. Surely this is a practical joke. We arrive in the lobby to find Greg in a state on the couch. It was not a joke. The bill for my laundry was $230. The itemized receipt reveals that they have charged $2.50 PER underwear and pair of socks. $4 PER T-shirt. I could have bought a new wardrobe for this price. The manager of the hotel is there and says "Yeah...we thought this might be a problem." You THOUGHT it MIGHT be a problem?? We left you our phone numbers and no one thought to give us a call and see if we were ok with a $200+ laundry bill? He replies with a laugh, "I know, that's more than it's costing you to stay here for the week!" I'm glad we could brighten this man's day.
Good thing I'm rollin' in it
The following morning, we once again awake at the crack for a private meeting with Chris Shaw, owner of Shaw Cleaners. He informs us that the hotel did not have the order sheets explaining the PER ITEM cost of his laundry service until after we had sent our laundry in. He apologizes that the hotel did not inform us of his exorbitant prices, but hopefully we learned our lesson never to send our laundry out through a hotel. Boy, did we learn it. After offering him comps to the show, and some tearful eyes, he graciously cut our costs in HALF. So don't worry, guys. I only paid $115 for two loads of laundry. Good thing that per Diem kicked in this week. 

I don't mean to get all Nancy-negative on our readers. Our 8-show-week in Dayton was a huge success! We played to big houses and rave reviews! My Mom came into town to see the show with the rest of my family from Cincinnati, and a few teachers and friends from CCM made it as well!! Plus, we found a GRAETERS. So my week (and my waist) was rounded out by the best ice cream ever. 

But if your travels bring you to Dayton, OH, and I sure hope it's not on a Sunday cause even Subway is closed, you might want to check out the Crowne Plaza down the street. It's also not a Double Tree, but I hear they have fridges in every room. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dayton Day 1- Autumn-time and the Living is Easy

It may have taken our first Dayton audience awhile to warm up to the show, but we ultimately got that standing O in the end. WHOOHOO. After a fantastic first show in Dayton, the cast enjoyed a lovely post-show party complete with an awesome jazz band who's lead singer gave us smokey "summertime" vocals. The party really picked up when the cast decided to dance to the band's mashup of "Superstitious" and "Brick House", complete with seventh grade booty dancing and chants like "How low can you go?" (For the record.. not very low. Lexie is in dire need of laundry and therefore lacked the undergarments to make grinding to the ground possible; and Chris is in a deep plie the whole show and thus relishes every opportunity to stand up straight).

 Afterwards, after briefly talking to some local ladies who told us which clubs in the area to steer clear of to avoid being murdered, we found a photo OP! Much to A.J.'s dismay, we stopped to take some cheeky photos at one of those put-your-face-in-this-hole posters in the lobby of the theatre. That's Lexie and Rory on the left and A.J. and Chris on the right. We are looking foxy.

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's Only Just Begun...

Hello, world! We are officially open. After a crazy week of tech in Utica, NY, and a wonderful opening weekend in Worcester, MA, we've arrived in Dayton, OH for the week. (A mere hour away from where we met at THE CCM where we were excited and scared...and READY).

Where to begin? Well... The first bus day, we almost accidentally spent 90 dollars on green tea. We thought the earthy lady at Teavana had said "nineteen" when ringing us up at the register. Say the two numbers out is easy to see why we were confused. And to be specific the earthy young lady said, "Today your total is NINETY dollars towards your health and happiness." I mean, we are all for health and happiness, but at that point we were still on rehearsal pay and certainly did not have an extra Benjamin lying around for some plants that go well with hot water.

Alas, we made it to Utica. Utica was about three things: 1. Dunkin' Donuts 2. Chris' nose injuries 3. Lexie's trots.

We started every morning with a sensible walk to Dunkin' Donuts, only to overwhelm the staff with orders of egg and cheese on multi grain bagels..and a gaggle of gays. I think it is fair to say they were highly underprepared for us and our creative orders. For the record, the multi grain bagels tasted like birdseed. Lexie does not recommend.

Chris, in pure Chris fashion, seemed to have several nose injuries during tech. The first being when our director instructed our Dr. Frankenstein to "really slam the peep hole" in Chris's face. We swear it's not as dirty as it sounds. Anyhow, Dr. Frankenstein did as he was told and Chris's nose took the first of severe beatings. The second nose injury was self-inflicted as Chris ran offstage while battling with an enlarged net (one of Chris's many props) wrapped around his head. And the third injury didn't happen until Worcester. Lexie hurled a shoe offstage during a scene (she's supposed to..she hasn't gone crazy yet) and hit Chris smack in the nose. Chris was trying to help Lexie by desperately grabbing for a costume basket to catch said shoe. However, with Lexie's lesbian softball days far behind her, the shoe bounced off the top of the basket and straight into Chris's nose. Sorry, Chris. Love you. Mean it.

In other news, Lexie really left her mark in Utica. During the longest tech night she experienced frequent trips to the bathroom while the battle of eggplant parm from dinner and Lexie's girdle raged on. We won't go into too much detail, but let's just say those locals will never forget her. It is hard to forget the 5'10' girl in a foot tall Bride of Frankenstein wig screaming for help to get her costumes off before she "shat herself." Good times. A shout out to Carol, my dresser. Who was always there when I didn't need her and never there when I did. Love ya girl. 

Alas, we had a great tech and previewed in Utica to lovely packed houses complete with standing ovations.

Worcester opening weekend is sort of a foggy distant memory at this point. Exhausted from tech, the Young Frankenstein cast and crew pressed on and had a lovely opening Friday, September 30th followed by a sweet reception to be enjoyed in moderation with a two show Saturday on the horizon. Nice people, nice talks, and  nice frequent trips to the bar for water for our parched throats. We were lucky to have our best friends there to celebrate with us on this exciting start of our nine month adventure. Thanks for taking the long journey from NYC, lovahs. You guys are the best. 

Us with our amazing director, Jeff Whiting

Giving it in front of the theatre opening night. Chris is in a "Good News" bevel

Chris, Lexie's Dad(a.k.a Calves Dorsett), Lexie, Matt(Lexie's lovah), Beau Landry Jr. (bringing back corduroy), and Justin Bowen(hiding his small hands in his pocket) outside the stage door

That's all for now. We have a hot date with our pillows and complimentary earl grey tea here at the Dayton Grand hotel. Hoping to see some Cincy celebs this week at the show in Dayton!